Electrician In Edmonton | Honest and Quality Electrical Work


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14927-69ST NW
Edmonton, Alberta


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M-F: 7am – 4:30pm
Evenings, Weekends & Holidays by appointment.


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(780) 935-0622


Electrician In Edmonton | Honest and Quality Electrical Work

Hiring an electrician in Edmonton can seem like a daunting task, because electrical work requires precise work. People want to hire experts who will do the job right, and figuring out who to pick out of the many companies in Edmonton might seem like an endless task. However, there are helpful tips to use when hiring an electrician, to ensure you choose the best company for the job you need done.

Electrician in Edmonton | Quality Electrical Work

One of the first things to do, is look for companies who will do the scope of work you need done. Not every electrician in Edmonton will do commercial or residential work. Simply by describing the job, and asking the electricians if they are comfortable with the scope of work should tell you a lot. Pay attention not only to their answer, but your gut feeling as well. You want electricians who love the type of work you have for them to do!

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It’s also quite important to find an electrician who either offers a warranty, or guarantees their work. Although most electricians do their best work, mistakes sometimes happen, and things can unintentionally go wrong. Hiring a professional who has a guarantee or warranty helps the home owner have peace of mind that if something does come up, it will be a hassle free fix. Avoid those fly-by-night companies – they will disappear just as quickly as they appeared, and are often unavailable if problems are discovered later.

Professional electricians and electrical companies will also have a clean, organized job site, and will do clean, organized work. See if they have any photos of their jobsite on their website, or Google business profile. That can tell you a lot about how they operate. Also, customer testimonials will paint a non-biased picture of the professionals for you as well!

Electrician in Edmonton | Powering Edmonton and Surrounding Area

Finding the best electrician in Edmonton can help you get the best renovation done! A good tip for home owners, is to find a company, rather than an individual contractor. While the individuals are likely excellent at what they do, if they are unavailable for some reason, they have no back up support. For instance, if they get sick – they just won’t be able to work on your job that day. Even if that’s holding up other tradespeople on your job.

Hiring a company can give you such peace of mind – other projects, holidays and illnesses won’t keep electricians from coming to work that day. It may not be the same electrician in Edmonton showing up, but the company will send someone. And when you hire a company who aligns with your own values, you know you will feel comfortable and respected whoever they send.

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Finally, avoid hiring a company or an individual based solely on price. Everyone knows that renovations are very expensive, and no one wants to pay more than they have to. Unfortunately, when you go with the cheapest option, you usually get what you pay for. And then fixing the shoddy work and errors that they left behind will cost even more to fix, than it would have to hire quality in the first place!

Whether you are hiring an electrician for a large renovation, or a smaller job, quality is very important. You want to improve the functionality of your largest asset, and make it more valuable. Electrical work well done ensures the electrical equipment installation in your house works flawlessly. Electrical work done poorly is frustrating and dangerous. You and your family members deserve quality and safety.

Call Hauer Power Electric for your no obligation quote today, they are the absolute electrical experts in Edmonton!

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